Blizzard Investigating False Positives From Recent Ban Wave

by on Jul 09, 2015

If you believe you've been banned without cause, there's still hope.

Yesterday, Blizzard announced that a ban wave would be going out, targeting cheaters/hackers in Heroes of the Storm. While unfortunate, it is a necessary step that many game companies must take, as cheaters tend to pop up everywhere.


However, it seems that Blizzard may have been a bit over-zealous in their attempts to get rid of their cheaters. Reports are popping up all over the place of players claiming they were banned despite having never cheated or used any hacks. While this is to be expected (plot twist: people lie), the sheer number of players claiming to have been banned despite no wrong-doing on their end is suspiciously high. Enough commotion has been made that Game Director Dustin Browder has confirmed that they're looking into the possibility of these false positives.


So, if you feel you've been banned even though you've done nothing wrong, there's still hope. With some time, the issue may be resolved and you can get back to the Nexus. Hopefully, Blizzard is able to take care of this one pretty quickly.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016