Blizzard Reassures Players on Battleground Bannings

by on Jan 13, 2008

<strong>Kicking the new year off with a bang!</strong><br />

Kicking the new year off with a bang!

Looks like the battleground bannings is getting a lot of attention. Drysc had this to say on it.

I can assure you that if someone is going to be suspended, and have other actions taken against their account/character, that they are definitive abusers.

If someone is going to the bathroom 30 times a game, 100 games in a row, they may want to cut down on the cranberry juice.

(Of course, those are numbers I made up. We obviously won't be announcing thresholds, etc.)

If you want, see the original post right here.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016