Blizzard Significantly Increase WoW Classic Realm Sizes

by on Aug 29, 2019

To cope with the surge, more layering has been implemented.

Considering many people on the official WoW Classic forums and Reddit constantly complained about layering, it's interesting to see that the addition of more of it, to alleviate queues, has gone down very well. While there's a little bit of grumbling from a few of the predictable corners of the community, most are glad of the addition. What we don't yet know, is how Blizzard are going to dealing with the removal of layering entirely by Phase 2. The only choice that I see, is that they add plenty of layering now, wait for the inevitable drop-off of players, and then allow for free transfers, before locking servers. Realistically, it has to be the only way to deal with; either that, or don't remove layering (which'll probably go down like a bucket of sick). 

With hotfixes that we are currently deploying to all WoW Classic realms, we are substantially increasing the number of players that can be simultaneously logged in and playing. We expect this to result in smaller queues for realms that have large queues, and some realms should no longer have queues at all.

We will closely monitor performance and stability throughout this process.

Thank you very much.

Last Updated: Aug 29, 2019