Blizzard to Update Store with Overwatch Gear (Beta Soon to Come?)

by on Apr 23, 2015

The Blizzard store is closed for updates to add new Overwatch gear.

If you're looking to pick up some Blizzard gear from their online store you are out of luck for the time being, because it looks to be down for some upgrades. That's not the important bit though, it's the place holder page with the promise of new Overwatch gear to come when it repoens on May 6th. Pictured on the page are a sweater and t-shirt with the games offical logo on it and what looks to be a statuette of one of the game characters.

For those unfamiliar with Overwatch, it's Blizzards upcoming third/ first person shooter with am emphasis on team based, objective centric battles. With the Beta date said to be taking place sometime in 2015, an update to the store could be a signal that we are closer than ever to finally getting our hands on the game.

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016