Borderlands 3: Review Roundup

by on Sep 09, 2019

The third installment has gone down well amongst most of the press.

The sequel to 2012's highly successful Borderlands 2, sees the third installment arrive in a few days time. While its early footage looked great, there's always a few doubts when it comes to Gearbox (they're hit and miss at times, and Randy Pitchford is mental). That said, the review scores are mostly positive. With IGN and Destructoid reaching for the top-spots, it's only PCGamer that skewers it. Let's wait and see what Polygon, Eurogamer and Rock, Paper, Shotgun make of it. 

IGN - 9/10

Borderlands 3 sticks to its guns and outdoes itself with an amazing arsenal of weapons, humor, and missions.

Destructoid - 9/10

Borderlands 3 takes most of the good bits of Borderlands 2 and either rolls with them or improves upon them. It didn't need to reinvent the wheel either, as Gearbox pretty much had the formula figured out the second time around.

GameSpot - 8/10

Borderlands 3 fumbles with its bosses, but the game ultimately continues its predecessors' tradition of fun, mayhem-filled looting and shooting.

USGamer - 4/5

Despite the formula growing a bit stale, Gearbox has expanded upon it in the right way, resulting in a great Borderlands experience.

Game Informer - 8/10

An old formula executed well, Borderlands 3 rarely takes chances or strays from expectation.

PC Gamer - 63/100

An endless font of bad jokes and cool guns in the series' most vapid story yet, Borderlands 3 skates by on watching numbers fly and goons explode.

Last Updated: Sep 09, 2019