Bruce Joy Keynotes Virtual Worlds & MMO's Conference

by on Jun 11, 2008

<strong>4+ Events Lead the Debate.</strong>

4+ Events Lead the Debate.

Coming next month from London on July 9th and 10th, the Visual Web Convention is a major B2B event for industry, commerce and entertainment sectors planning now to harness the next-gen Web - The Visual Web 2.0.

At the forefront of developing the emerging de facto standards for virtual world platforms, Bruce Joy, CEO of VastPark (a leading virtual worlds platform developer based in Australia) will lead the debate about the opportunity and direction of virtual worlds and the visual web for the next 6-12 months. This is a welcome chance to catch up on a rare visit to the UK by VastPark.

The functionality of the VastPark platform will revolutionise interactive digital brands, games and communications on the emerging immersive Visual Web; helping to tie-in much of the key but disparate issues right now of widgets & gadgets, virtual worlds and social networks.

Bruce is joined by leading MMO games developers: CCP Games, Codemasters and Avaloop and leading media developers and brand agencies, including Rivers Run Red, to debate and discuss the near-term potential of virtual worlds: opportunity, risk & reward.

The sessions provide delegates with a 6–12 month strategy roadmap based on clear case studies for monetizing the Visual Web and online communities

For more, please visit Visual Web Convention.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016