Bungie Aerospace Trademarks "Crimson"

by on May 12, 2011

<p>It's been rumored for some time that Bungie would be developing an MMORPG as part of its 10-year publishing deal with Activision.

It's been rumored for some time that Bungie would be developing an MMORPG as part of its 10-year publishing deal with Activision. Rumors have bounced here and there and even a leaked title of Destiny was once thought to be the secretive project. The rumor was flamed more by Bungie's Lead Network Engineer David Aldridge during his GDC 2011 panel. But that rumor was shot down by Bungie earlier this year.

But GameSpot has picked up on some interesting news this week after discovering that Bungie President Harold Ryan is listed by the Washington State Business License Directory as a director for the newly incorporated Bungie Aerospace Corporation. The new company recently filed a trademark for something called Crimson, which is listed as "computer game software downloadable from a global computer network" in the May 4th dated patent notes GameSpot.

GameSpot's article also notes that the patent description includes a listing for the game that states it's a, "Computer game software for use on mobile and cellular phones," as well as "Downloadable computer game software via a global computer network and wireless devices."

This could possibly be that teased MMO or simply a PC and mobile online game. Bungie will not have a presence at E3 2011, so we'll have to wait and see how things develop. Stay tuned and we'll update you when we learn more.

Source: GameSpot

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016