CCP Gifts EVE Players with Skill Points for Downtime

by on Jun 05, 2013

<p><em>EVE</em> players receive skill point compensation for the downtime experienced during this weekend’s DDoS attack.</p>

CCP is granting EVE Online players compensation for downtime experienced over the weekend related to a DDoS attack on the game’s service. The compensation will be granted to players with a fully active EVE account to the tune of 50.000 unallocated skill points. Players that were on a 7-day trial have been granted an additional 7 days as compensation for the downtime. The skill points were distributed to players as part of the Odyssey update and marks the second time that CCP has given points as compensation over the last couple of weeks for downtime.

Source: EVE Skill Point Compensation for Downtime

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016