CCP Introduces the EVE Launcher

by on Nov 09, 2011

<p>CCP introduces the <em>EVE</em> Launcher to help make updating and playing <em>EVE Online </em>a lot less painful.

CCP is continuing its efforts to improve EVE Online and today CCP Topknot introduced the new EVE Launcher. The EVE Launcher will become the new access point for EVE Online players to join the game and will make sure that the client is up-to-date, no longer requiring players to start the client only to find out that it needed to be patched.

If this sounds familiar it’s because the EVE Launcher is essentially the spiritual successor to Singularity’s SisiLauncher.  CCP Topknot also posted a few future features that the devs have planned for the launcher such as automatic updating, staged installing, customization, a web browser and the ability to link and share posts with friends.

The new launcher will be arriving on Singularity for testing soon and is currently only available in Windows.

Source: Introducing the EVE Launcher

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016