CCP Refocusing EVE Online Efforts, Plans Already in Motion

by on Sep 23, 2011

<p>CCP aims to make major changes to <a href=""><em>EVE Online</em></a> by &ldquo;refocusing and reprioritization on a scale unheard of&rdquo; within the company.

CCP has been sailing rough waters with its community since the launch of Incarna. The controversy surrounding the expansion and pricing of items in the NeX store was not well-received and despite CSM Chairman The Mittani’s early defense of the expansion, it’s safe to say that he and the EVE community have been calling for CCP to refocus their efforts on the flying in space game.

Following reports that the number of players appeared to be on the downslide, it appears that CCP is planning to make some heavy changes and refocus their efforts in the areas that players have been calling for. In a new, but very brief blog, Senior Producer Arnar Hrafn Gylfason stated that change is in fact coming to New Eden.

Over the past days and weeks, CCP has been doing extensive and intense introspection and revitalization. The result of this is a refocusing and reprioritization on a scale unheard of within our company.
These are indeed defining times.

Gylfason pointed to a recent blog by Torfi Frans that indicates a few of the planned changes. As for what the devs have planned for the long-term, Gylfason promised to reveal more in the coming weeks. He closed out the blog with a final statement directed at EVE players.

You’ve often told us that we promise too much and deliver too little, and this time we want to be certain that doesn’t happen.  We are listening to you, we have heard you, and plans are already in motion.

Source: EVE Online Dev

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016