Champions Online "State of the Game" Details New Archetypes and Content

by on Mar 02, 2011

<p><em><a href="">Champions Online</a></em> Producer Rob Overmeyer has posted a new &quot;<em><a href="" target="_blank">State of t

Champions Online Producer Rob Overmeyer has posted a new "State of the Game" update, detailing the recent switch to free-to-play and what Cryptic has in store for players in the coming months. March will see the release of the new Inventor Archetype, which is a new creature that can use some new devices. Additionally, the Devastator Archetype will follow in April, bringing new costume pieces and the ability to call on the power of the greatest Tarukian Gladiator.

The next Adventure Pack, Resistance, is also in the works and is based around an experiment in dimensional travel that goes wrong. Players will get to travel through a portal to an alternate dystopian version of Millennium City ruled by the evil Citizen Harmon. Cryptic also has plans to tweak PvP, Instances, powers and challenge as well as the introduction of Vivox voice chat.

An experiment in dimensional travel at Harmon Labs goes awry, and it's up to the heroes to save the day! The heroes travel to the dimension of Multifaria and enter a dark, dystopian version of Millennium City ruled by the sinister Citizen Harmon. You will be recruited into aiding a valiant underground resistance led by a handful of outlawed superheroes. The Resistance is on the verge of being wiped out by Harmon's jack-booted security thugs, and only a daring raid to free the group's imprisoned leader can turn the tide. It all culminates in a battle royale in Ren Center that will decide the fate of both worlds!

Source: Champions Online website

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016