City of Heroes Fans Foot the Bill for Developer Dinner

by on Sep 14, 2012

<p><em>City of Heroes</em> fans rallying to save the game foot the bill for a Paragon Studios dinner to show their appreciation.</p>

Following last weekend’s Unity Rally in City of Heroes put on by dedicated fans hoping to save the superhero-based MMOG before it sunsets later this year, the crew put together a fundraiser drive to raise enough money to treat the devs at Paragon Studios to a dinner to show their appreciation and support for the developers. While event organizer Tony Vazquez expected the drive to take at least a few days to muster the needed funding, the target goal of just over $1,000 was hit in less than three hours. That’s some generous support and show of appreciation from the City of Heroes community, and I’m sure the devs will appreciate the fine meal that they'll be getting out of it.

Thanks to Tony Vazquez for the tip.

Source: Paragon Studios: Dinner on Use!

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016