City of Steam Devs Highlight Paragon Designs

by on Nov 29, 2012

<p>Mechanist Games highlights City of Steam Paragon community collaborative in-game item designs as second beta event draws near.</p>

Some of the more devoted future players to City of Steam recently had the chance to lend their artistic talents to the game’s development. The pricey $500 Paragon Collaborator Pack, which is the highest tier choice, comes with a number of items and perks and allows the buyer to collaborate with the devs to create an in-game item in City of Steam. This week the devs posted a new developer journal to highlight a few of the items in the works that include a steampunk Vader mask, goggles, a 2-handed sword with a skull mounted hilt and more.

Read the full developer update to get a look at the collaborative items. The Paragon Collaborative Pack will be phased out on December 5th, so if you’re looking to take advantage of that offer, do it before then.

City of Steam kicks off its second closed beta event this Friday. Be sure to grab one of our beta keys to check it out.

Source: Paragon Designed items Redux

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016