City-Specific Level 5-10 Guides!

by on Aug 17, 2005

<b>TTH Breaks Open Everquest 2's Level 5-10 Game, City by City!</b><br />

TTH Breaks Open Everquest 2's Level 5-10 Game, City by City!

Guides are now available to breeze you through the early levels in and around the 2 player cities: Qeynos and Freeport. We'll show you how to gain citizenship to open up free travel throughout your chosen city, where to gather up over a combined 150+ quests to quickly level up and get you into the big time, and we'll also point you in the right direction to attain your level 10 class hallmark quest.

Here's a snippet from the Freeport guide:

So, you're fresh off the boat from the Isle of Refuge. Things on the Isle were pretty straightforward; an introduction to questing, plenty of goblins to slay, even a bit of tradeskilling too. But now, now you've decided to pledge your allegiance to the Overlord, and things are feeling a little unfriendly around Freeport. No worries, this guide is here to help you on your way.

First of all, your race determines what "racial village" you'll land in when you step off the boat:

* Big Bend - Ogres & Trolls
* Stonestair Byway - Kerra & Erudites
* Temple Street - Ratonga & Gnomes
* Beggar's Court - Half-Elves & Humans
* Longshadow Alley - Dark Elves
* Scale Yard - Barbarians & Iksar

When you land, you'll see a "Steward" nearby. Hail him or her. Completing this quest first is essential to learning about several key places within your racial home: your apartment, your bank, and your local "city-adventure area." Simply follow the orange "line" to your inn room (hit alt-w if for some reason you lose your "waypoint"), then double-click the door and accept it. Welcome to your new home!

So, one more time, pick your city!

"Just Off the Boat" In Qeynos -or-
"Just Off the Boat" In Freeport!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016