CoH Releases New "Going Rogue" Details with Mother Mayhem and The Seers

by on May 26, 2010

<em><a href="">City of Heroes</a></em> has made a couple of new updates to its <em><a href="" target="_blank">Go

City of Heroes has made a couple of new updates to its Going Rogue website with the release of new details about Mother Mayhem and the Seers. Mother Mayhem is a being of two minds. Shalice Tilman suffered an untimely death, but lucky for Tilman, her colleague, Aurora Borealis, absorbed her consciousness, becoming Mother Mayhem and allowing her to escape the clutches of death. Mother Mayhem's biggest contribution to the Praetoria is a network of psychics known as the Seers, who monitor the thoughts of the citizens to prevent them from committing crimes. That's not creepy at all...

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016