Corepunk Delivers First Details On Lore And Questing

by on Dec 22, 2019

The four cultures on offer sound amazing.

In a new blog post over on the official Corepunk website, the development team have lifted the lid on some of the early lore, and most importantly, questing. In the post, they discuss the primary factions as well as the principals behind what questing will be. For the factions, there are:

The Elanien Kingdom, that was born in the heart of a harsh forest, considers that they must be mutually helpful and close to nature in order to survive, since it is in nature that the Elaniens are able to find incredible powers for photic weaponry. The clans of Faidens roam among the waterless deserts on mechanical devices and are in never-ending war with the bloodthirsty bigots, and don’t back down from principles of honor and valor. The Yorners reshape Kwalat with their powers of steam and money: they transform lifeless glacier into an engineering miracle of astounding scale. The Quaddari built on swamps a community of limitless opportunities. But corruption, crime, and intrigues abound underneath their slogans of absolute freedom. Most of the population lives in dire poverty and whatever its inhabitants have in savings is only spent on fashionable implants. The dirty slums glow in neon billboards.

As for questing, the dev team have gone on to state that:

In regards to quests, we are definitely on the same page with you. First and foremost, we are gamers. We love: choice, consequences, unexpected turn of events, diversity, humor (including dark humor), and the story behind each character. Many of these characters successfully survive in Kwalat, and if they are entrusting one to take care of some unimportant task – such as the extermination of rats in a basement – perhaps this is a trick. Or perhaps this is a test followed by a real important task.

We don’t like quests just for the sake of “gold” and “experience”. The chosen ones. Moralization. In this world there is no unifying morality!

Sounds good, right?

Last Updated: Dec 23, 2019