Coyote Does San Diego

by on Feb 03, 2007

That's right! Coyote has been let loose in California for EQ2 Community Summit, and he's sober enough to tell about it in his BLOG!

That's right! Coyote has been let loose in California for EQ2 Community Summit, and he's sober enough to tell about it in his BLOG!

1:45pm - Kendericke is two rows ahead of me, and trying to get the 19 year college hottie and her mom who came out to check out a college to switch seats with him so that he can wreck any enjoyment of the flight that I could have had. They decline (They both wanted me. I can tell.) and I decide to go sit with Kendericke because we need to talk, he looks lonely, and I can wedge him in the middle of the seats between me and the Haitian dude from Heroes.

1:55pm - Kendericke tells me he is surprised that I have kids because he always thought I was gay.

Coyote is not gay? Wow.

Pop on by Coyote's blog to keep up with his time in San Diego and the goings on at the Summit!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016