Creating Ymir's Pass - Reflections of Quest Designer Joel Bylos

by on Nov 14, 2008

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Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures Quest Designer Joel Bylos reflects on his work with Ymir's Pass, the challenges faced by the design team and what was involved in bringing this new region to life.

Ymir’s Pass was the first major playfield we were given to work on after the launch of the game. The first challenge of Ymir’s Pass was create a believable storyline. I wanted to fill in a knowledge gap which existed in the game. Why were the Vanir, Ymirish and Frost Giants helping Thoth-Amon, who by all rights should have been their enemy?

The Frostfather was the answer.

You can read the full story here. Discuss it on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016