CrimeCraft Shot Down by Australian Classification Board

by on Nov 30, 2009

<p>Australia has been in the news a lot lately as it relates to video games as their ratings board has been giving several games a hard time due to graphic content. If you recall, Valve was having...</p>

Australia has been in the news a lot lately as it relates to video games as their ratings board has been giving several games a hard time due to graphic content. If you recall, Valve was having its own trouble getting Left 4 Dead 2 released, but now it's Vogster's turn to get the treatment. GameSpot recently reported that CrimeCraft is the latest victim of the Australian banhammer as the game was refused classification by the Classification Board for its depiction of drug use having a positive effect on characters through an in-game fictional drug called "Boosts" that gives the player a buff.

According to the official CrimeCraft ruling, the board's main issue with the game relates to the use of "Boosts", fictional drugs that players can use in battle to improve their performance. "In the board's opinion, there is insufficient delineation between the 'fictional drugs' available in game and real-world proscribed drugs," the report stated.

Read the full story here.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016