Crowfall Community Q&A - November

by on Nov 04, 2015

The developers of Crowfall sit down to answer some of their backers most-asked questions in a video-session Q&A. Check out what the community is curious about this month.

The guys over at ArtCraft Entertainment set up a unique backer level during their Kickstarter campaign for backers (Emerald-level and higher), and created a place where those supporters could discuss their thoughts about the game. Now, the developers working on Crowfall are pulling some of that micro-community's most-asked questions and answering them via a little virtual sit-down through YouTube.

The Questions

In this week's episode, developers Blair and Todd answer the following questions:

Will Crowfall implement something that gives formation? For example, a grid system and when your party forms a certain pattern on it you get a bonus or defense boost? How do you perceive the Guineacean’s burrow ability will work? How will a specialist, like the Ranger, differ from an archetype like the Stalker who also uses a bow? Will it be possible to travel between Eternal Kingdoms without exiting to the menu? Will there be bodies of water, some that can be crossed and some that can’t? Will campaign worlds have modes of fast travel such as mounts, portals and teleporters? What will be the next focus after combat? In the “Monster” video, what is on Billy’s screen when Todd said, “Looks like Batman”?

The Answers

Below is the actual video recording of the sit-down where Blair and Todd answer the above questions.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016