Cryptozoic Announces Availability of World of Warcraft Manga via iPhone/iPad App

by on May 26, 2011

If there’s one thing I have me with at all times, it’s my iDevice, mainly to read books. Well Cryptozoic (yes, they of the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game) has just updated their recently introduced

comic book app and announced the availability of the WoW and StarCraft manga. Since TOKYOPOP's demise, it's been harder and harder to find copies of the Blizzard manga volumes and, to be honest, this announcement isn't a surprise but it's great to know the manga is now accessible digitally.

To celebrate, Cryptozoic are offering the first volume of Warcraft: Legends for free. Not only do you get a chance to check out the app but a free book to boot but hurry as the offer’s only on until 2nd June. They also have full volumes (and samples) up from the first volume of the Sunwell Trilogy and Warcraft: Death Knight as well as the second volume of Legends. So if you wanted lovely digital versions of your favourite Azeroth-inspired TOKYOPOP manga then this is the time to get it.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016