Curt Schilling Joins SOE to Fight ALS

by on May 25, 2006

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RUN! It's a purple con 3 up-arrow Curt Schilling!

In a PR move that will most assuredly generate better karma than offering a year-long modeling contract to a real-life Queen Antonia lookalike, EverQuest 2 will soon boast a new in-game enemy that fights for charity, former MLB hurler Curt Schilling.

The World Series MVP and longtime EQ2 player will man a mob aptly named "Curt Schilling" and wander about terrorizing the playerbase. Every time he's defeated, SOE shells out a little more money to help fight ALS (also known as "Lou Gehrig's Disease").

Check out the "Curt Schilling and SOE fight ALS" press release right here. Then log on June 5th-7th and gank for a good cause, EQ2 players!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016