DAoC: Hot Fix Notes

by on Apr 13, 2007

<b>Hot Fix Notes</b><br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.camelotherald.com/index.shtml">The Camelot Herald</a> has been updated with the notes from the latest hot fix. <br /> <br /> <blockquote><br /> - The delve on the Lesser, Average, and Gre

Hot Fix Notes

The Camelot Herald has been updated with the notes from the latest hot fix.

- The delve on the Lesser, Average, and Greater Mythirian of Siphoning has been changed to reflect their new bonuses.
- The following bounty point items are now useable in shade form: 'Bounty Master's Insight', 'Demyphon's Revelation', 'Bounty Master's Greater Insight', and 'Demyphon's Greater Revelation'.
- The objects found at the various Dragonsworn camps can no longer be picked up.
- The quest, ‘Old Stones and Living Wood’ is intended to be repeatable. The amount of experience awarded per completion was set too high however. This has been lowered.
- The Dragonsworn have had their chance to call for help reduced.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016