DAOC: Trials of Atlantis Client is to be Phased Out

by on Oct 04, 2007

<strong>Going, going, gone!</strong> If you're a hardcore DAOC fan who clings to the old Trials of Atlantis client, it might be time to seek some separation anxiety counseling. It's being phased out with the launch of version 1.91.

Going, going, gone!

If you're a hardcore DAOC fan who clings to the old Trials of Atlantis client, it might be time to seek some separation anxiety counseling. It's being phased out with the launch of version 1.91.

The Trials of Atlantis client is now four years old. After careful evaluation, we have determined that it is time to phase out this older engine. The “phase out” will occur with the launch of version 1.91. If you are currently using the Trials of Atlantis client, you do not need to upgrade immediately, but you may want to consider upgrading to the Catacombs client or higher in the near future. Keep your eye here on the Herald for more information about disabling the Trials of Atlantis client sometime in November.

Read the announcement at The Camelot Herald.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016