Dark Age of Camelot Update Makes Changes to Classes and Relic System

by on Aug 22, 2012

<p>Holy class changes Batman! <em>Dark Age of Camelot</em> gets a new update filled with class changes and new scaling relic difficulty.</p>

It’s patch day again for Dark Age of Camelot, and this week’s 1.113 update adds a hefty list of class changes to the game. Due to the heavy number of changes to some classes, several have been given a full forced respec, so make sure you fix that before trying to attack something the next time you log in.

In addition to a swath of class changes, RvR has also received some new features and tweaks. An update to the Relic system adds new high-level spawns to non-Relic keeps that house a captured relic to aid in the keep’s defense.

Any non-Relic Keep which houses a captured Relic will now spawn high-level Relic Guards to aid in the defense of the Keep. New Relic Guards will spawn immediately when an enemy realm’s Relic is placed on a Keep’s Relic pad. New Relic Guards will de-spawn immediately when the Keep Lord protecting a captured Relic is killed. New Relic Guards and existing Relic Envoys will now have their level lowered by a certain value for every Relic owned by their Realm.

There’s quite a bit more with the update by way of bug fixes and other RvR and class adjustments, so be sure to read the lengthy list of patch notes for all the details.

Source: Dark Age of Camelot Game Update 1.113 Goes Live

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016