Dave Georgeson on Future EverQuest Franchise Development

by on Feb 03, 2014

<p><em>EverQuest</em> franchise Director of Development Dave Georgeson updates on the future development plans for the series</p>

Sony Online Entertainment had a huge week last week. Not only did the developer host a massive community event in San Diego, but the alpha testing for EverQuest Next: Landmark also kicked off on Friday with an NDA drop less than 24 hours later followed by an unfortunate bout of downtime. But Landmark isn’t all that SOE has in the EverQuest series, and EverQuest franchise Director of Development Dave Georgeson recently posted update on what the studio has planned for the future of the current two MMORPGs of the brand.

The previous approach for new content updates for EverQuest and EverQuest II had been on a quarterly scheduled, releasing four big content updates with one being an expansion. But now the studio is aiming to take a more rapid approach by delivering regular weekly improvements with “something cool” released each month and aiming to make expansions matter more.

Here’s a bit more information on how this will work from Georgeson's message.

What sorts of things will come out weekly?

These will be things like straight-up feature refinements, holiday events, short adventures, or pretty much anything that doesn’t merit being in the expansion or being a big monthly highlight. But something of this sort comes every week.

What sorts of things will you deliver monthly?

Each month, we’re going to do something interesting and fun, like aging a cool existing dungeon up to end-game levels and itemization, or adding a series of quests for players to find and explore. Maybe even a new zone sweeper or random world event, or that sort of thing. Something new and fun to experience with friends and guildies.

How will this impact the quality of the expansion?

We’re putting a huge emphasis on how important the expansion pack is to you. The feedback on that has been almost universal. “Make Our Expansion Matter.” So that’s what we intend to do.

Is SOE locked into this schedule? Do we mean EVERY week and EVERY month?

Answer: Yes, we mean it. We’re going to work hard to make it happen regularly and dependably.

As for the rest, you can read the full update for more.

Source: Future Content: A Letter from Director of Development Dave Georgeson

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016