DDO Module Release Date Rumors

by on May 02, 2006

<strong>We Heard a Rumor!</strong><br /> <br /> Rumors are like a game of Telephone. You remember that game you played in grade school, where you sat in a circle of classmates and someone whispered a secret in your ear, and you passed it on to the next

We Heard a Rumor!

Rumors are like a game of Telephone. You remember that game you played in grade school, where you sat in a circle of classmates and someone whispered a secret in your ear, and you passed it on to the next person, and so on? When you got to the end of the circle, the last person would say the secret out loud, and by that time it was usually pretty distorted. Goes to show you how passing secrets can result in misinformation.

That being said, Shayalyn at DDO - TenTonHammer got wind of a handful of rumors related to Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach's next module. And she'll share 'em with you. After all, it wouldn't be nice to taunt you with her secret and not tell, would it?

Want the full scoop? Read on at DDO - TenTonHammer!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016