DDO Readies Media Push with New Commercials

by on Apr 27, 2010

<p>Warner Bros. isn't wasting any time in giving its new assets from Turbine a little push into the advertisement spotlight.

Warner Bros. isn't wasting any time in giving its new assets from Turbine a little push into the advertisement spotlight. Dungeons and Dragons Online (DDO) is set to receive some commercial TV time on several stations during popular shows on Comedy Central, BBC America, G4TV, and SyFy. Some of the shows include: Family Guy, Lost, Heroes, and several others. The announcement was posted on the DDO forums by Senior Community Representative Tolero, who posted where players can check out the new advertisements.


Comedy Central BBC America G4 - Video Game Television SyFy


LOST Family Guy Mythbusters Ghost Hunters Ninja Warrior Heroes

Given the popularity of some of the World of Warcraft commercials, you have to wonder if DDO will be taking a similar approach. The commercials will be added to the DDO YouTube channel at a later date in case you miss them.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016