Demon Sands: Feat Respecs

by on Oct 12, 2006

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Retool Yourself</span><br>

Retool Yourself

The release of Demon Sands brings the ability to play around with your

As soon as Module 3: Demon Sands launches players will have
to revise their feat choices. You will be allowed to swap one feat
every three real-time days and there will be a cost for each feat that
you choose to respec. That cost is determined by your level as follows:

Level 1: 100gp and a Flawed Siberys Dragonshard

Level 2: 750gp and a Flawed Siberys Dragonshard

Level 3: 3,000gp and a Flawed Siberys Dragonshard

Level 4: 6,500gp and a Flawed Siberys Dragonshard

Level 5: 12,500gp and an Imperfect Siberys Dragonshard

Level 6: 20,000gp and an Imperfect Siberys Dragonshard

Level 7: 35,000gp and an Imperfect Siberys Dragonshard

Level 8: 50,000gp and an Imperfect Siberys Dragonshard

Level 9: 75,000gp and a Siberys Dragonshard

Level 10: 100,000gp and a Siberys Dragonshard

Level 11: 100,000gp and a Siberys Dragonshard

Level 12: 100,000gp and a Siberys Dragonshard

Read up on this new feature [ href="">HERE].

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016