Destiny Gives Details on November Patch Content Including Quest and Bounty Improvements

by on Nov 09, 2015

In their weekly update, Bungie hinted at changes coming in the November patches.

Along with some surprising results following last months Trials of Osiris changes, Bungie revealed some of their plans for November when it comes to patches. There will be several patches throughout the month that will contain everything from improvements to the Questing/ Bounty system, to the increasing of drop rates for weapons parts.

As part of the November update, we’re authorizing Banshee-44 as your Weapon Parts dealer. He’ll accept Glimmer as a form of payment.

First up, we have a November Update in the pipeline, packed with the improvements to Quests and Bounties that we’ve already promised, along with some other promises we have yet to make.

Keep talking about Destiny, and we’ll keep making it a game we all want to play.

Trails of Osiris stats were also released in the wake of some pretty major changes to matchmaking. They revealed a reducing in the amounts of players making it to the lighthouse, while the total number of participants remained about the same.

In the return of Trials of Osiris, 133,444 players made it to the Lighthouse at least once. With the steeper incline provided by new matchmaking, the winner’s circle population is down from 188,442 in May. Those sun-soaked victorious warriors amounted to 16.25% of the 820,986 players who challenged them in Trials of Osiris.

For the full post, head over to the weekly Destiny update.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016