Destiny Kings Fall Hardmode Goes Live Tomorrow

by on Oct 22, 2015

The Kings Fall Raid Hardmode will be introduced tomorrow with new loot and a tougher difficulty.

For many players the normal Kings Fall raid has become almost routine at this point. The strategies are mastered, the experience is there, and guardians are well geared. All that will change tomorrow October 23rd when Bungie releases the King's Fall Hardmode into the game.

The hardmode was originally slated to be released on October 30th, but its development went faster than initially expected. The raid will drop a completely new set of "Harrowed" gear that will drop between 310- 320 for armor/ attack. Speaking of armor and attack you'll want to have a light level of 300 at the very least, with the recommended amount being closer to 310 is possible.

The rules of loot gathering was also explained in more detail how the loot distribution wil work between the normal and regular mode on their offical blog.

Players cannot earn new raid-specific loot from a raid more than once a week per mode. The normal and hard mode Raids have their own separate loot tables, so the two modes can be completed separately or can be combined. Completing normal mode does not lock out earning loot on the incomplete hard mode. However, if a player starts the Raid on hard mode and completes it, they will receive the loot rewards from both the normal and hard difficulty mode.

The hard mode goes live at 10:00am PST on Friday October 23rd.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016