Destiny Nightfall Rewards Get a Much Needed Buff

by on Oct 20, 2015

A hotfix will be deployed today to ensure better rewards for completing nightfall strikes.

If you haven't already completed this weeks nightfall don't do it! A hotfix is being deployed today, October 20th at 10am Pst that will increase the rewards received for completion of a nightfall strike.

A lot of fuss has been made about the quality of the rewards received for completing nightfall strikes which a Bungie rep has stated can even "... feel like losing". Before the Taken King, nightfall rewards were random, but there was a good chance of receiving an exotic item as well as a faction reputation buff for each weekly completion. The buff was completely removed in the Taken King, and the chance at receiving an exotic was reduced.

The exact measures the fix will take to increase the rewards received are not exactly known, but Bungie has gone so far as to repeatedly tell players to wait until the patch goes live before they run their nightfall for the week, so it can't be too shabby. If you've already completed it this week, you'll unfortunately have to wait until next weeks reset before you can get a shot at the new rewards.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016