Details Revealed for Upcoming Marksmen Changes

by on Oct 29, 2015

Get ready to sink your teeth in, there's a lot of meat here.

Earlier today, we got a look at some of the gameplay changes that are in the works for League of Legends Preseason 6. One of the most notable sections dealt with updating some of the Marksmen to give them more unique playstyles. While all details have not yet been released, RiotScruffy gave us a few of the main points for each of the 6 reworks, while a team of Rioters then went into further detail on each.


Caitlyn (details)

The zone control marksmen (traps are on a charge system now) New play feel with headshot combos (trap and E trigger a guaranteed headshot on the target)

Miss Fortune (details)

The wombo combo marksmen (ult scaling way better, can crit) New play feel with impure shots replaced with "love tap" new passive that gives bonus damage when swapping targets (this works well with Q)

Kog'Maw (details)

The true glass cannon hyper carry (tons of dmg needs protection) W now doubles ALL attack speed and allows him to break the attack speed cap (but ad is lowered to 60%)

Corki (details)

Magic damage marksmen -> passive now does big magic damage instead of true and all spells now do magic damage New mechanic: Special Delivery -> every ~5m in the game corki gets a special set of bombs in his base that allow him to cast a super mega W with much bigger range and impact

Quinn (details)

The map mobility/roaming marksmen R reworked as a utility focused spell -> 0 cooldown and gives quinn crazy out of combat speed to quickly move around the map, not used for assassination anymore

Graves (details)

We finally made his shotgun a shotgun -> up close burst damage marksmen Basic attacks fire multiple buckshots in a cone -> more damage up close Q reworked to synergize better with the new basic attacks


RiotReinboom also gave us a sneak peek at some of the upcoming ADC itemization changes:

Infinity Edge is slightly weaker now (little less AD), we shifted power elsewhere so it's less automatic and so that we could add cooler things to the Marksman space.

Essence Reaver scales its CDR off of your critical strike chance so that it works as a big core item (think IE space). It can now give upwards of +30% CDR.

Phantom Dancer does stuff other than just be straight up damage. Bonus movement speed while near your opponents and you take less damage from the last champion you hit. Isolate and kill people, basically.

Rapid Firecannon charges up like Shiv, but when charged instead of prepping you for the thunder, increases your attack range and gives you a fiery hit at the end.

Shiv does even more damage versus minions. It's specialized further into being the bursty clearing tool.

Hurricane now crits and the bolts crit. Also movement speed. It's in the PD / Shiv space now, so it should be an option for more Marksman.

Executioner's Calling is back, but it's a bit different and cheaper. Also it's a component item. It builds into something new.

Last Whisper is now a component item. It builds into new things.

There's something called Giant Slayer. It hurts health dudes.

Merc scimitar has Lifesteal, you should feel comfortable taking it over BT.

Death's Dance exist. It has something like Lifesteal but better. Also it "delays" damage.

And tons of changes all over the place. This is just some of the marks targeted ones.


It looks like the ADC role is going to be in for some huge changes in Season 6. Is there anything in particular you're looking forward to?

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016