Don't Fear the Reaper

by on Dec 29, 2006

Death is part of almost every game that has ever been made, and is far more important than most people give it credit for. Kiara takes a look at death penalties, how they affect players, and busts out a random song.<br /> <br /> <blockquote><br /> Dea

Death is part of almost every game that has ever been made, and is far more important than most people give it credit for. Kiara takes a look at death penalties, how they affect players, and busts out a random song.

Death penalty is always a big point of contention for players of MMOs. Some favour the harshest of death penalties. Others pitch hissies over the tiniest of penalties. There has to be a middle ground somewhere in there.

Don't fear death! Read this article right here.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016