Double Billed??

by on Nov 04, 2006

<span style="font-weight: bold;">No Worries</span><br>

No Worries

Did you notice a double charge for your Dungeons & Dragons Online
subscription? Here's what Sporkfire had to say about it:

Just to update
and clarify: There were people who were double billed
for Turbine subscriptions. We caught the error and have emailed
everyone who was double-billed to let them know that we were processing
the refunds.

This was a pure mistake, and we apologize for any associated issues
this may cause. Often, these refunds may take a day or two to appear on
your account. If you were double billed for your DDO account and do not
receive a refund, you should contact href="" target="_blank">Customer

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016