Dungeon Runners Build Notes 121

by on May 17, 2008

<strong>Dungeon Runners to release retail box in June!</strong> In preparation for their June retail box launch, Dungeon Runners have released build 121. Here's a sample of the goodness:

Dungeon Runners to release retail box in June!

In preparation for their June retail box launch, Dungeon Runners have released build 121. Here's a sample of the goodness:

Bling Gnome
Bling Gnome support for our retail box is going out in this heave. The retail box is planned for late June release! The Bling Gnome is a new passive skill that, when equipped, summons a little gangster gnome that picks up all your gold. You can occasionally activate the gnome to pick up all of your nearby loot (below Uniques) and convert it to gold. Each time your gnome does this conversion, he has a chance to poop out a powerful item. The more items he picks up at once, the better chance you have of getting a powerful item. Items that have been picked up by you and later dropped will not be converted to gold by this skill.

See the full patch notes at Dungeon Runner's main site.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016