E for All Has Lackluster Attendance

by on Oct 24, 2007

<strong>More like E for some, eh?</strong> Reports are trickling in and E for All doesn't seem to be nearly as popular as some had hoped. The notable lack of many big name companies has been cited as one of the reasons for the expo's poor attendance.

More like E for some, eh?

Reports are trickling in and E for All doesn't seem to be nearly as popular as some had hoped. The notable lack of many big name companies has been cited as one of the reasons for the expo's poor attendance.

Unlike E3, E for All was open to the public. Organizers said 18,000 people attended over the four days, but despite the return of scantily clad models, or "booth babes," and tons of free giveaways, there were few times when it seemed crowded.

"You could knock out everything you wanted to see in a couple of hours," said James Cardona, a 20-year-old gamer who was attending his first industry show. "From what my friends tell me, this is nothing compared to E3."

Read the full article at Yahoo!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016