E3: No Babes... Or Infants

by on Apr 27, 2006

<strong>E3 security will confiscate your babies.</strong><br /> <br /> Well, actually, you'll just have to leave your infants outside (in downtown LA). Check out this excerpt from a recent "Media Advisory" sent out by E3 organizers:<br /> <blockquote>N

E3 security will confiscate your babies.

Well, actually, you'll just have to leave your infants outside (in downtown LA). Check out this excerpt from a recent "Media Advisory" sent out by E3 organizers:

NOTE: E3Expo 2006 is a trade event and is not open to the general public. No one under 18 will be admitted, including infants. This policy is strictly enforced. We appreciate your cooperation in notifying your audience that the general public will not be admitted to this event.

I'd say this means one thing: boobies, but we already know E3 has issued a strict edict against booth babe-age. Around here, folks think the prohibition is just a PR ruse. Either way, we'll supply lots of photographic evidence.

And oh, I guess this means a good 70% of EB Games / GameStop employees will have to stay home. That means it's 70% more likely that they're might be some semi-intelligent chatter on the shuttle bus, or at least some peace & quiet for the sleep-deprived among us. No worries if you can't attend due to age or general SoCal aversiveness, we'll supply the best E3 coverage this side of the interweb!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016