EA Announces Battlefront Ultimate Edition and Seasons Pass

by on Oct 14, 2015

A new ultimate edition and seasons pass were unveiled for Star Wars Battlefront.

In addition to extending the beta an extra day, EA has also revealed it's plans for a Star Wars Battlefront Seasons Pass as well as an Ultimate edition of the game.

The seasons pass has become a standard addition for most EA titles which provides access to all future expansions and DLC released for the game that year. The official descirtion for Battlefront's season pas was this:

We’re also excited to announce the Star Wars Battlefront Season Pass, which extends the game with four expansion packs coming at a later date, filled with new content that will take you to new locations across a galaxy far, far away. Star Wars Battlefront Season Pass owners will also secure two-week early access to each expansion pack and an exclusive “Shoot First” emote

The announced Ultimate Edition includes all the fare from the standard copy of the game, but also includes the Seasons Pass. You can get your hands on either edition by pre-ordering them directly off off your system of choice, or via your local game shop. Star Wars Battlefront releases November 17th.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016