Editorial: Fantasy's Last Stand?

by on Jun 07, 2007

Fantasy's Last Stand?

Is this last round of "high-powered" fantasy MMOGs the final throes of a super-saturated fantasy marketplace? This is the question Garrett Fuller asks in his editorial, "Fantasy's Last Stand", and he attempts to answer this question by looking analyzing the upcoming generation of MMOGs and determining if there is any room out there for another fantasy based MMO.

Let's look to the world of gaming to see if anything else has that much of an impact. At least one "hot" property still remains: Warhammer. With Dungeons & Dragons already having received the MMO treatment, the other major gaming property to come out of the 1980s is Warhammer. Warhammer: Age of Reckoning will soon make its way onto your screens in early 2008, but what is left for fantasy gaming after that?

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016