Elder Scrolls Online Hosts Another Beta

by on Feb 05, 2014

<p><a href="http://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en/">The Elder Scrolls Online</a> (to give it its full title) is ticking along nicely in the Beta. So much so, fresh invites were dispatched by Zenimax several hours ago.&nbsp;</p>

The Elder Scrolls Online (to give it its full title) is ticking along nicely in the Beta. So much so, fresh invites were dispatched by Zenimax several hours ago. 

You can read the press release below (or find it here) but from someone who recently had the pleasure of playing the game, if I can give one tip, it's to ensure you've plenty of hard drive space and a good rig. Not only is the game stunning to look at, but it has a weighty install. 

The event starts on 7th February at 12:00 p.m. EST and can be played until Monday the 10th at 11:29 p.m. EST.

We’re inviting even more players to explore Tamriel in the ESO beta!

Check your registered email address—we’re sending out more beta invites. Don’t forget to take a peek in your spam folder, and if you use Gmail, remember to look in the “promotions” tab to see if you got invited.

If you don’t get an invite today, there’s still hope! We’ve handed our friends at Curse beta keys to give out, so head over there to see if you can get your hands on one. Best of luck! We can’t wait to see you in-game and get your feedback.

Launch for PC and Mac on 4.4.14 is on the horizon, and the beta is only getting bigger as that date approaches. Make sure you’ve signed up to test if you haven’t yet so you’ll have your chance to join us. More invites will be coming soon, so keep your eyes open!

If you participate in the test, please remember that its contents are still protected under the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). You aren’t allowed to share information, media (screens, videos, streams, etc), or anything else related to the test with others. Thank you for testing!

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016