EVE Online Gets Boxed Release

by on Jun 06, 2007

Can You Fit a Spaceship Into A Box?

According to Gameworld Network, CCP|White Wolf is preparing to distribute its 14-day free trial across the US, UK, and other territories. The trial will ship in a DVD format in a small, slim, plastic-wrapped case that you can pick up at a major retailer for somewhere between $2.99 - $3.99. I can't help but wonder if the 14-day free trial will actually remain free to download as well. Here's what Magnus Bergsson had to say:

"You need to have a warehouse, you need to have people taking orders and everything else. We've never really had that, and now we do, and we are getting into physical distribution, not only in the US, but also in Eastern Europe, where people often have to pay from downloads from abroad... Those people are concerned about downloads, even though the client is only 640MB."

Read the whole thing by clicking here!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016