EVE Online Tyrannis Expansion Gets Delayed

by on May 14, 2010

<p> <em><a href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/taxonomy/term/43">EVE Online</a></em> players received a bit of bad news today.

EVE Online players received a bit of bad news today. The release of the Tyrannis expansion has been pushed back a week to May 26th and seeding Planetary Command Centers has been pushed back to June 8th. The cause of the delay is scalability issues with the Planetary Interaction feature.

In our regression testing, we have identified scalability issues with the Planetary Interaction feature, which led to code refactoring that then needed further testing before being launched to Tranquility. Planetary Interaction is a unique feature in the sense that it is available to almost all players in the game providing opportunity for manufacturing for the masses, so ensuring that it runs smoothly on our cluster is of great importance to all.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016