EverQuest Launches New Recruit-A-Friend Program

by on Jul 01, 2011

<p>MMORPGs are always better with friends and <em>EverQuest</em> has launched a new Recruit-A-Friend program that lets players recruit friends with benefits.

Players that invite friends to play EverQuest can now earn new benefits for themselves and their recruited friends. If one of your recruited friends chooses to subscribe to EverQuest, you’ll gain 30 days of free game time per invitee up to 25. Additionally, recruiters will also earn an assortment of in-game items, bonus experience and free Station Cash.

Recruited friends will gain bonus experience when grouped with their recruiter, the ability to create one head start character that begins at level 51 with 50 Alternate Advancement points, a special in-game title and more.

For a full list of all the benefits, be sure to check out the official announcement for all the details.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016