Excitment Continues to Build for the Red Bull Battle Grounds: DotA 2 Grand Finals

by on Apr 22, 2015

The Red Bull Battle Grounds is happening May 10th and this is one event you will not want to miss. Recently, we've found out a little bit more about those attending, which makes this an even more must see event.

Excitment continues to build for the Red Bull Battle Grounds Grand Finals being held in beautiful San Francisco California on May 10th at the Warfield Theater. The group competition is still churning, with the North America team being decided on April 28th (just a few days from now), and playoffs happening shortly afterwards (May 5th-6th). The real deal though is the Grand Finals happening on May 10th and it's going to be a blast.

Those attending in person will be showered with amenities, signings, full bars, an after party at the swank The Folsom Street Foundry, and swag. VIPs get a free drink ticket, early entry for the meet and greet, and a mountain of awesome swag. Everyone who attends also gets a 12 month subscription to the Red Bulletin Magazine. You can purchase tickets right here while they last. 

Can't attend in person or the event sold out? It's just $1.99 to watch at home and for $8.99 you can pick up two event skins. "Lord of the Forbidden Sands" for Crixalis and "The Fallen Rogue" for Clinkz. The digital items are available here and help boost the prize pool which is sitting at an impressive $86,401 as of this article.

The teams competing so far are:

Team Malaysia (Southeast Asia): A newer brand showing up, but formidable and went undefeated at the SEA qualifiers. Invictus Gaming (China): Underdogs this time around, they were at the bottom of the qualifiers and were able to win it. Hellraisers (CIS*): Another group who climbed up from the losers bracket. Team Secret (Europe): Very popular European team who went undefeated in the qualifiers. America will be decided 2 p.m. PST on April 28th.

* CIS is the Commonwealth Independent States, essentially Eastern Europe.

For more details on the event and check out coverage of the preliminary events, be sure to check out Red Bull Battle Grounds. In addition, be sure to buy your tickets soon if you're planning on attending, they could sell out any minute.

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016