Explore the Restless Isles

by on Jul 07, 2006

<span style="font-weight: bold;">It Was a Three-hour Tour</span><br>

It Was a Three-hour Tour

Turbine offers us another look at what's to come with the Twilight
Forge Module. The Restless Isles promises to be a land full of
adventures and intrigue:

The players land safely on the Foothold, a tiny island now
populated by
smugglers and used as a transfer point for priceless artifacts. But the
rest of the islands are dominated by an invading race of magic-wielding
ogres and their evil masters, as well as enslaved and vicious wildmen.
Only a powerful party will survive the challenges of the Restless Isles!

There's more about this fascinating stop [ href="http://www.ddo.com/index.php?page_id=20&pagebuilder%5Bmodule%5D=article&pagebuilder%5Bdisplay_item%5D=464">HERE].

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016