Fake Overwatch Beta Keys On the Loose

by on Oct 30, 2015

Scammers have been trying to trick players with counterfeit Beta keys.

Blizzard took to social media in force to warn wannabe beta testers about a current scam going around offering Overwatch beta keys. The funniest part about it is, there are no beta keys being used for the Overwatch beta, it's all being done internally by flagging accounts. A Blizzard representative confirmed this via twitter.

Accounts will be flagged from our end & emails will be sent to players who have access to the beta letting them know. 

Several websites have already spring up offering a beta key, but first you have to run a "tool" to make sure your system meets the specs. If you've been on the internet any length of time you should know that being asked to "scan" your computer is a big red flag. Other scammer have thrown up facebook pages that look very official and claim they have beta keys to give away but first you have to send them some info to get the process started... sure.

Shortly after the Facebook pages started appearing the offical Overwatch account sent out this tweet.

[BETA] Overwatch beta "keys" do not exist. Please be cautious of any emails, websites, or individuals that claim to offer them!

So if you're one of the unlucky mass that didn't get into the beta, keep your senses about you and don't fall into one of the many beta key traps that lay in wait on the internet.

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016