Fallout 4 Launches First Big Patch for Playstation 4

by on Dec 09, 2015

Updates and fixes are arriving for Fallout 4 PS4 version.

Patch 1.2 which has already been live for the PC version for a short while is making it's way to the PS4 today. The update comes crammed with 505mb of fixes that should clear up many prominent issues such as getting stuck in terminals, certain quests not activating properly and broad stability improvements.

Here's a complete list of the patch notes from the official Bethesda forums.

New Features

Number pad keys can now be used for remapping (PC) Remapping Activate now works on Quick Container (PC)


General memory and stability improvements Performance improvements inside the Corvega Assembly Plant Optimizations to skinned decal rendering Fixed issue with player becoming stuck in terminals Fixed issue where equipped weapons become locked after completing Reunions Fixed issue with "When Freedom Calls" where the quest would not complete During "Confidence Man" fixed issue where player's health would continuously regenerate Fixed crash related to jumping into water and reloading saved games Fixed issue where Launcher would not save God Rays Quality setting properly (PC)

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016