Final E3 Wrap-up for

by on May 16, 2006

There are a few more interviews / previews and such coming in from You ask yourself, why Awen? Why are you posting this when you guys already did all of these? Well... it's always good to have a second opinion yeah?<br /> <br /> <a href="ht

There are a few more interviews / previews and such coming in from You ask yourself, why Awen? Why are you posting this when you guys already did all of these? Well... it's always good to have a second opinion yeah?

BioWare Austin's MMORPG: Interview with Gordon Walton and Richard Vogel
Warhammer Online: E3 Preview Also, be sure to check out our Warhammer Community.
EverQuest: Progression Server E3 Preview I'm thinking of hitting this server myself. Best times were playing EQ. Maybe it's time to start over again?

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016