First Firefall Fest Announced

by on Oct 17, 2012

<p>Red 5 Studios announces the first <em>Firefall Fest</em> event with special guests to celebrate gaming and community.</p>

Red 5 Studios have put together the first ever Firefall Fest event for the Firefall community. Firefall Fest is a 6-day streaming event that will feature a few celebrity hosts familiar to many gamers such as Nathan Fillion (Firefly, Castle), Wil Wheaton (Star Trek: TNG), Felicia Day (The Guild) and more. Red 5 will also be giving away swag during the event that includes Razer gaming peripherals and an AMD gaming PC. Firefall Founding memebers will also have access to exclusive in-game items during the event.

Firefall Fest is scheduled to run from October 22nd-27th via Visit the Firefall Fest page for the full schedule of events.

Source: Firefall Fest Announcement

Last Updated: Mar 14, 2016